
Employee turnover is unavoidable how to prepare for it.

Facing the reality that we will lose employees is stressful and inconvenient. Weather from voluntary or strategic reasons it will happen, look around at your crew. Who will retire in the next 5 years, decide to try a new career or have to be asked to leave. The numbers are unique to your company for sure. As a shop owner I have faced this problem on more occasions then I care to admit. First keep a line in the water at all times by looking for candidates within and from outside your company. This process will ensure you have options when you need to make the adjustments.

Does this look familiar?

Does this look familiar?

I made Production Pro because I was sick and tired of trying to thumb through a machinists spiral notebook to figure out what was going on in their head.  Who can possibly follow this chicken scratch?  Got a CNC program written on a papertowel?  How about set-up notes taped to a tool box?  Post your "finest" example of documentation and if it is good (bad)  enough you might win a free Production Pro trial!


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